Paul Branchi, Graphic Designer
orignally from the south of France,
currently based in Paris, France.

Art direction, graphic design, book design.



Client: Association Sysiphe
Work: Idendité Visuelle et Campagne de Communication
Date: 2022

Details: Branding and communication campaign for Sisyphe, an association that helps families and single people with housing problems. Sisyphe knows that every action is an eternal restart, hence its name.
Sisyphe is supported by many people active in the field of aid and legal action for the right to housing and help for families in precarious situations.

The Y, emphasized and hollowed out thanks to the declension of the Camera typography, expresses the call for help, lack, hunger, solitude, injustice, but also the receptacle, the dropper, as if the donations received by the association formed a whole
once brought together. The word sisyphus is written in lower case to give the feeling of being accessible and open to all.